Well a few days ago we got back for the SEDS Space Vision conference and I have to say it was an experience. We arrived on the second day of the conference and saw the majority of the talks. They really addressed the current state of space.

Now on to the awesome. The point of a conference is not (in my unqualified opinion) the talks, its the people you meet. Sure someone can get up and show you some pictures of what their company is doing or what they think the future will be like, but nothing compares to talking with someone one on one. Try it, look up a space mission then ask someone to tell you about their work in space and see which is more interesting. There is something engaging about the passion that can be conveyed in a conversation that is nearly imposable to convey in a presentation.

The people at Space Vision are amazing. Its a great place to meet the people who will make the future cool.


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