SEDS Heads,
Where would you like to go after graduation?  I'm conducting an informal poll of job trends in the industry (for a pro-space lobbyist in Washington, D.C.) and want to know your top two choices for employment. What company/organization do you want to work for and what is it about these places that makes you want to work there?  Simply fill out this form and let your voice be heard!
I encourage you to include with your response an up to date resume for inclusion in the SEDS Resume Book!  You can email resumes to me at Once collected, I'll be distributing it to my contacts in the space industry and hopefully help you get YOUR DREAM JOB! The deadline for inclusion is 10pm, Friday, October 21st.
Example from Harvey Elliott:
1) JPL - They're the preeminent leaders in planetary science and deep space exploration - ROBOTS WITH LASERS ON MARS!!!
2) SpaceX - Obviously, they're what NASA SHOULD BE.  They have the entrepreneurial spirit and can do attitude that we all aspire to. SpaceX is without doubt one of the most driven companies in the industry… 

Please excuse my overeager use of ALL CAPS!

The Space Age started 54 years ago today and in commemoration of this historic event SEDS@UM will be hosting several events on campus:

1. Installation of a mock (3/4 scale) Sputnik on the Diag and posting of fliers campus wide. For better or worse, that little glass ball forever changed the world and ushered in a new age of scientific and technological advancement. We celebrate this day in history. Read more about Sputnik-1 here.

2. Playing of the feature film Moon a 2009 British sci-fi/drama about a man who experiences a personal crisis as he nears the end of a three-year solitary stint mining helium-3 far side of the Moon. The film received wide acclaim at the Sundance Film Festival and received the 2009 award for Best Independent Film at the British Independent Film Awards (BIFA). The showing is planned for 7pm on Thursday, 6 October in G906 Cooley.

3. Co-hosting a space-out-party with Sigma Gamma Tau (SGT) at 335 Packard, Ann Arbor. Show up in your space suits anytime after 10pm on Friday, 7 October and be careful handling the rocket fuel!

by: Scott Granger - Mission Architectures Intern at Aerojet and MEng Student

This summer I had the opportunity to work at Aerojet in Sacramento, CA. Aerojet is a defense contractor mainly for spacecraft, launch vehicle, and missile propulsion systems. Aerojet has two main competitors – Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne and ATK. What makes Aerojet so unique is they are the only company that have experience in liquid, solid, and electric propulsion.

I spent 13 weeks in Sacramento, CA working on two main projects. I sat in the Mission Architectures Group which performed the up-front feasibility studies for propulsion systems. The work that is done in this group eventually is the basis for determining the requirements of the system – should the customer give us their business. On the job, I was first introduced to a trajectory simulation tool called POST. POST is a FORTRAN based code (though compiled through an executable) that determines the best trajectory for a launch vehicle based on different propulsion systems. You can set different constraints on the problem to limit, for example, dynamic pressure during staging. A large part of my summer was spent running POST simulations for different launch vehicles composed of many different propulsion systems. Second, I was assigned as the head engineer on a small contract with Sierra Nevada that required 2 weeks of engineering design and analysis. Under this contract, I conducted a trade study for a solid rocket grain geometry that incorporated industry tools that I had never used before. I created grain burn backs for complicated grains and the complete ballistics analysis. The design was put into CAD with performance analysis (Isp, Thrust, maximum pressure, etc) and shipped to the customer.

The location of Aerojet – really located in Rancho Cordova, CA – is somewhat less than desirable. The weather approaches 100 degrees F in the summer and located about 3 hours from San Francisco (the water). Aerojet has historically been an “older” person site, however, it has started to hire younger people over the last 5 years. I encourage anybody interested in mechanical or aerospace design, analysis, or modeling to consider Aerojet.

Tuesday, September 27th, 7-9 pm
Location: Rackham 4th Floor Amphitheater
Reception in following the presentation

Jim Bagian is a renowned engineer, medical doctor, and astronaut. A leading researcher on the first space shuttle mission dedicated to space life sciences research, he now works for the University of Michigan's Center for Health Engineering and Department of Anesthesiology. His backgrounds in engineering, medicine and space allow him to have a unique perspective of human spaceflight, and of the issues we need to address before mankind ventures further towards the stars.

The Space Shuttle Program flew 135 orbital flights while sustaining only 2 vehicle and crew losses. In order to achieve this record of reliability NASA had numerous organizational/engineering systems in place which were continually re-examined and modified as new information became available. Lessons learned from the Challenger and Columbia mishaps will be discussed and their implications for future manned spaceflight operations.

For those of you that haven't seen it yet, the following is an amazing time-lapse video made from pictures taken on the ISS up until sun rise. There is a glow that appears 'inches' above the Earth which is the atmosphere, light from cities as the ISS traverses silently, and even lightning from storms on the surface. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!

- Chase

by: Veronica Benitez - Thermal Engineering Intern at Goddard Space Flight Center and MEng Student

This summer I had the opportunity to work at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. I interned in the Thermal Engineering branch and worked with the thermal team of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) satellite. Working in the Thermal Engineering Branch has been an incredible learning experience. Aside from my primary project, I was able to work on many important tasks that a thermal engineer would complete in a typical work day including both analysis and testing.

On the thermal analysis and modeling side, I gained familiarity with the software used at GSFC mainly Thermal Desktop and SINDA Fluint. I was able to work with Thermal Desktop in tutorials and real thermal problems. I used SINDA Fluint to create the multiple cases of my primary project.

On the integration and testing side, I created multiple Work Order Authorization forms and helped test real flight hardware. I was put in charge of a thermal blanket bakeout for GPM Multilayer Insulation blankets as well as a Chotherm bakeout. I created the Work Order Authorization forms for both, made sure they were approved by the Quality Assurance Engineers as well as the Contamination Engineers. I was able to contribute to the thermal vacuum testing of the solar array drive assembly (SADA) by attending shifts to monitor the temperature of the chamber and the various components of the SADA. I also helped install thermocouples on the avionics module of the GPM satellite and route them to the proper location for connection.

My primary project at GSFC was the statistical analysis of the thermal margins of the GPM spacecraft. The average spacecraft designed at GFSC is proposed to last three to four years; however, the majority of these spacecraft are consistently lasting anywhere from ten to fifteen years. The result of the longer spacecraft life may be due to overdesign by assuming accumulated worst case scenarios. The purpose of my study is to assess the degree of margin and conservatism in the GPM thermal design that may be masked by designing to stacked, worst case conditions. The assessment contains the analysis of how the temperature and heater power of the critical spacecraft components vary over the lifetime of the spacecraft when four different variables are adjusted: power dissipation, optical properties, beta angle, and seasonal flux.

A distribution plot of the temperature ranges was created to analyze what percent of the mission lifetime the spacecraft critical components will spend at various margin ranges from operational. The impact of conservatism on each of the four variables can be studied independently to evaluate how much margin is absorbed or generated by using the extreme variables instead of nominal values. The end result of this study will be a way of quantifying the degree of conservatism in the GPM Observatory thermal design based on the traditional design approach used by the GSFC Thermal Branch.

by: Jimmy Gawron – Systems Engineering Intern at Orbital Sciences Corporation and MEng Student

This summer I had the awesome opportunity of working at Orbital as a systems engineering intern. I worked in the Science and Technology Business Development group where I was responsible for the technical design of spacecraft buses and end-to-end space missions for several NASA proposals. This involved the first order sizing of the spacecraft bus to accommodate payload requirements, the design of the communications architecture, and determination of the mission operations. I was given a lot of responsibility on high profile ventures, which provided for an exciting summer. I found Orbital’s work environment to be very high energy, and the internship helped to enhance my engineering and team working skills.

My Name is Chris Bellant and I am a first year Ph.D. Student in Aerospace Engineering. I am not much of a blogger but I have been jumping out of my skin since the official announcement of the space Launch System a few days ago. The SLS is to be a Shuttle-Derived heavy launch vehicle that will be capable of delivering around 130 mT into LEO. It is claimed that the SLS will be both affordable and sustainable. I don’t see how either claim is true. The development cost is estimated to be 30 to 60 Billion dollars, depending on your source, and the first launch of the SLS in the final 130 mT configuration is to be no sooner than 2030. From what I have read NASA is expecting to get one or two launches a year for about 15 years. That is two to three billion dollars per launch just in development cost. It will cost at least another half billion dollars to build each one. Assuming an optimistic averaged cost of 2.5 billion dollars per launch, the cost to put 130 mT in LEO 20 years from now would be about $20,000/kg. I am a little confused why this is affordable, or even acceptable to do anything other than laugh at. The question I really want answered is why don’t we just use Space-X’s Falcon Heavy to put these payloads up? It will put 53 mT into LEO at a cost of $2,000/kg. It is also projected to have its first launch in about 2 years. The falcon heavy compared to the SLS will have 1/10th of the development time and 1/10th of the cost. Because the payloads are being sent up on two or three different rockets there would be a little added complexity but I believe the final cost would still be at least a factor 5-7 less than using SLS and we could start missions in a few years instead of a few decades.

I have only been able to find one other article that points out the obvious and long list of flaws with the SLS, and that was by Rick Tumlinson. I realize that several small issues were not addressed here but I would love to hear other’s thoughts on this. Leave a comment on this post or email me directly at

There is an interesting article by a guy that did some investigative journalism outlining why the most recent price quote on the JWST ($8.7 billion, up from $6.5) is due to the Government, NOT NASA. He lays everything out in a very nice manner and makes a strong case. Enjoy!

This summer I had the pleasure of working with Prof. Nilton Renno and his electric field sensor both at the University of Michigan and at NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC). The sensor is an electric field mill composed of a conductive rotating cylinder divided into four electrically isolated quadrants. When the cylinder rotates, the charge must redistribute across the quadrants producing a current proportional to the electric field. A picture of the sensor can be found below. An important aspect of this sensor versus other electric field sensors is that the system is not electrically grounded. This allows for the sensor to take measurements even when subjected to the impact of charged particles. The idea behind the sensor is to look at charge build up during dust storms, dust devils, and wind-blown sand and to determine what impact it has on atmospheric chemistry. Our design requirements are being developed with a Martian environment in mind as we are looking at having the sensor flown to Mars on the 2018 MAX-C/ExoMars mission.

In addition to the potential applications in space, Professor Renno has a startup company in the North Campus Research Complex called EngXT. Through EngXT, we are commercializing the sensor for use in the electrostatic discharge industry and other potential industrial applications. The foreseen markets include semiconductor manufacturers, lightning detection, and power line field dispersion. While at U of M, I ran several tests in the Space Physics Research Laboratory’s (SPRL) copper room to characterize the second generation of the sensor. My results were used to demonstrate to potential customers how the sensor performs. My other responsibilities included mentoring two high school interns in our lab. I taught them how to assemble the sensors, allowing them to conduct a field campaign on the El Dorado Dry Lake Bed outside of Boulder City, NV.

The second half of my summer I moved my research to GRC, where I worked on repairing one sensor and writing a proposal to attain funding to develop the sensor’s third generation. Before coming out to Glenn I was tasked to create assembly and disassembly procedures for the second-generation sensors. When first arriving at GRC, my mentor and I spent time repairing some very brittle wires that connect to the motor. Due to strict tolerances, theses wires are fragile and have to be manipulated a lot. I also had the chance to help setup a test with our sensor to diagnose the electric field of a solar panel behind a Faraday cage. A large portion of my time was spent putting together a proposal to combine the benefits of the first two sensor generations into an optimized design. I am receiving my Masters in Space Systems Engineering, so this was right up my alley. I put together a Gantt chart, work breakdown schedule, CAD models of concepts, and combined work from contractors to make a complete proposal. The proposal is due the week after I leave and hopefully GRC will start work on the next version in March 2012. I can be seen working on the motor in the following picture.

I learned a lot of valuable skills this summer. I worked with all age groups- from the high school students at U of M to people on the verge of retiring at GRC. A big takeaway is that prototypes are not meant to be tampered with! This is what lead to the headaches with the latest sensor. I also learned how the government works, which should be a class on its own. With the experience I have attained this summer, I am more confident in my ability as an engineer and am ready to enter the work force this winter.

My name is Michael Szocik and I have been interning at the Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences with several students under the supervision of Professor Nilton Renno. When I first started interning, I was not sure how involved I would be with the projects; whether I would simply be doing grunt work like delivering coffee and typing up written documents, or if I was going to head my own research project. What ended up happening was a bit of both, but not because I was an intern; rather because those were the things that needed to be done.

One of the more interesting projects that I have worked on was traveling to Nevada with another intern on a field campaign to collect data on dust devils with our two types of electric field sensors. Then we were to compare our data with a group from France who had two other types of sensors. Originally, the plan was to have Professor Renno or one of his students supervise us during the field campaign, but what actually ended up happening was much different. At the last minute we were told that we would be the only people traveling to Nevada, excluding the French group. That put a whole new level of pressure on us.
As soon as we arrived, things started to go wrong. The 111lb bag which carried most of our equipment would not fit properly into Pierre-yve's car and we spent around 20 minutes re-aranging everything. When we finally got to the hotel, it was around noon and we were told that we would be leaving for El Dorado Canyon as soon as possible to begin collecting data.
After a long day of frustration trying to set up the tower to hold the equipment, we went back to the hotel with little to no data. Determined to get our work done, we went out the next day, certain that we would start collecting data and we were lucky enough to do so!
On Mars, dust devils can be miles high and highly electrified, therefore the data we took in Nevada is extremely useful in helping understand Martian dust devils. Alongside the electric field sensors, we attached a sonic anemometer which measured wind speed and a Prandtl probe which took atmospheric measurements such as pressure and temperature. Because the wind and dust pick up was sporadic, the French group created several "artificial dust devils" by driving their car about 100meters in front of the sensors to pick up large amounts of dust, resulting in readings as high as 50,000V/m.
After two days of collecting data in the hot dusty weather, we were finally done and could head back with about a handful of dust in our lungs. It was an experience of a lifetime and I am thankful to the AOSS department for allowing me to participate!

Sister Sats M-Cubed (left) and RAX-2 (right) are going to be launched together as part of the ELaNa-3 mission on October 25, 2011

The M-Cubed team has been very busy these past few months, so sorry for not updating this sooner, we have lots of good news to report.

Most notable is that the M-Cubed hardware has undergone random vibration testing twice now (two separate units). Once in May and once in June. Vibe testing is one of the requirements for the NASA ELaNa-3 mission that M-Cubed and RAX-2 will be launching on. We were really just getting our feet wet with the vibe test in May as very few people on the M-Cubed team had actually taken part in a vibe test before. Unfortunately, there were a few issues that arose from that testing, and some parts did not survive the fairly extreme qualification levels (24 G's RMS) that we subjected them to. This was what we were hoping for in a sense as we could identify the weak points in the system and then redesign them in time for the flight unit.

No sooner had we completed the May vibe when we hit the ground running for the Re-Vibe to verify we corrected the issues we identified during the first test. Considering that the whole satellite was essentially built from scratch (we re-ordered the Printed Circuit Boards, populated them, re-machined the structure and rails) turning that around in a month or so is very impressive. I'm very proud of my team for being able to pull that off. We still ran into some issues with the vibe table set up the second time around that delayed the complete testing, but our friends at CalPoly helped us troubleshoot it as they are the experts in Cubesat environmental testing.

The second round of vibration testing was performed on M-Cubed in mid-June at the Space Physics Research Lab (SPRL). It was definitely nerve-wracking seeing our hard work being put to the test up close. Luckily, all components of the satellite survived the test and furthermore we were able to verify a large number of requirements needed for ELaNa. This was probably one of the best days we've had on M-Cubed as we essentially verified all aspects of the satellite's design that we could at the time (camera, power system, command, and communications functionality).

Having successfully survived the vibe environment, the M-Cubed team got right back to business and right now we are building the M-Cubed flight unit! All the boards are being populated and the structure is almost fully machined, so we are really putting the pieces together right now. Combine this with the fact that many of the members on M-Cubed are working on RAX-2 which has the same delivery schedule and milestones, and you get a sense of what kind of time we're putting in.

Other Notes:

  • NPPy the polar bear talks about the importance of monitoring the weather Much as the primary payload on M-Cubed's launch (NPP) is going to do.
  • The M-Cubed website is being revamped. You can take a look at to get the latest status updates on what we're up to in the News section. We will still check in here from time to time, but we're really putting a lot of effort into this new site.
  • We received an official FCC frequency allocation for M-Cubed uplink and downlink in the amateur UHF and VHF bands! M-Cubed even has a callsign now: WF2XSP!
  • M-Cubed is looking to collaborate with any amateur radio operators interested in helping to track M-Cubed during mission operations. If you are interested, please contact and we will be happy to give you more information on the comms capabilities of our satellite and our communication protocols.
  • Finally, as a fun side note, since M-Cubed is collecting images of the Earth from orbit, we have to receive a remote sensing license from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). This involves a lot of paperwork that is currently being reviewed by the Secretary of Commerce and the Pentagon!
Like I said, we will check in from time to time here with updates.


Working with JPL, eight University of Michigan students designed, built and tested the Material Handling Chain (MHC) for NASA's Habitat Demonstration Unit (HDU). The HDU is full scale prototype of a habitat that allows mission planners to run through potential “day in the life” scenarios of a space outpost. These tests provide insights into the utilization of the different systems so that the exploration architecture and the operation concepts can be refined.

The Habitat Demonstration Unit Pressurized Excursion Module (HDU 1-PEM) a one story, 3-port habitat design concept, as seen during field testing in 2010.

The Material Handling Chain (MHC) being integrated with the HDU (above) as part of the 2011 Desert Research and Technology Study (RATS).

In 2011, the HDU is being reconfigured as the Deep Space Habitat element of NASA's exploration architecture to evaluate a scenario of a near-Earth asteroid (NEA) exploration mission. This includes updating and modifying systems in the 2010 configuration but also involves adding new systems and new modules. One of these new systems is the Michigan made Material Handling Chain that will allow astronauts to bring bulky objects into the habitat for service and storage. After a year of hard work in Darren McKague's AOSS 582/583, the students have completed the MHC and shipped it to the Black Point Lava Flow, Arizona where it is being integrated with the HDU.

Read more on the HDU project here.

Dr. Nilton Renno, a professor and researcher at U-M, was recently quoted in the New York Times for an article discussing water on Mars and elsewhere in the solar system. Working for Dr. Renno, I can say that this is a fascinating area of active research and will likely compose the bulk of my PhD thesis. It blows my mind to think that the research we do here at U-M may fundamentally change the the way we think about the universe - because where there is water, there could be life.


For those who hunt for life on other worlds, water in its liquid form is perhaps the leading
indicator. Life as we know it on Earth is based on water and carbon. And if organisms can prosper here in nasty environments — in geysers, in the depths of the sea, in toxic waste, in water that is too hot, too cold, too acidic or too alkaline — why could they not prosper out there?

Scientists for years regarded liquid water as a solar system rarity, for there was no place apart from Earth that seemed to have the necessary physical attributes, except perhaps Jupiter’s ice covered moon, Europa, which probably concealed a subterranean ocean. The past 20 years of space exploration, however, have caused what the astrobiologist David Grinspoon calls a sea change in thinking. It now appears that gravity, geology, radioactivity and antifreeze chemicals like salt and ammonia have given many “hostile” worlds the ability to muster the pressures and temperatures that allow liquid water to exist. And research on Earth has shown that if there is water, there could be life. Read more at


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