I know some of you have been wondering what's going on in SEDS@UM these days... Other than SpaceVision and MEDMA Impulse, it seems like we haven't had a whole lot of events this year. Well, that's about to change! The council has been hard at work making travel arrangements, locking down funding, and planning logistics for three major talks in the Winter term! I wont tell you who's coming just yet, but I think it'll knock your socks off! Stay tuned to Michspace.org this week for upcoming announcements about our speakers and other great events on the schedule.

Such as: Yuri's Night 2011. That's right, we've already started planning this epic. As you know, those of us here at SEDS@UM pride ourselves on the knowledge that we not only give you access to the industry's top minds, but also the best parties. The wheels are turning and we're bringing back the folks from Necto, MEDMA, and the Russian Student Association once again to make this the biggest space rave in the Midwest. Also, I'm pleased to say for the younger crowd, we'll be having educational and outreach events throughout the week. If you would like to get involved or share your ideas, shoot an email to the council, seds-council@umich.edu. Believe me, this is going to be even bigger than before!

Space be with you,


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